Jumat, 17 September 2010

Hal yang Tidak Terlihat Mungkin Lebih Penting

Kita dapat melihat rumah tinggal, tapi bukan suasana keluarga yang hidup dalam rumah itu.
Kita dapat melihat sebuah otak, tapi bukan pikirannya.
Kita dapat melihat bendera, tapi tidak dengan semangat patriotisme.
Kita dapat melihat tubuh tetapi bukan jiwanya.
Mari mengembangkan rasa hormat YANG WAJAR atas hal yang tidak dapat kita lihat tapi dapat kita rasakan
Contoh: rasa sakit
Tidak ada seorang pun yang meragukan keberadaannya, walaupun tidak ada seorang pun yang pernah melihatnya.
Perhatikan gagasan dalam pikiran kita: cinta, rasa takut atau kebencian dalam hati kita.
Semua itu sungguh nyata, bukan khayalan belaka.

Dikutip dari tulisan Frank Mihalic

Kamis, 02 September 2010

They don't know they are dead

I take this conversation from Sixth Sense

"Cole Sear: I see dead people. Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other.
They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.
Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?
Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere."

I see dead people too.
They're everywhere.
Especially in fb.
They don't know that they're dead, I can tell.
They're bitter.
Bitter people are around us, and on fb, where emotions are too easily shared coz typing is easier than actually saying it, bitter people get even more bitter in fb.
Bitter people says bitter words.
They see with bitter point of view.
They live bitter life.
They're like dementors from Harry Potter. They suck live.
They can't stand seeing happy people or happiness.
They can't stand seeing positivity.
Coz it makes them feel more bitter. Makes them feel more sad.
All they want, is to prove that everybody else is living a sad life too, like them
Outside, they won't say they're bitter. They just say "I view the world differently"
No matter what they say, they are actually not happy with their lives.
They live a bitter life.
They're dead......But they don't know they're dear