Jumat, 28 November 2008

What type of woman

When I ask a man: What type of woman do you usually fall for?

"Beautiful women"

Gee....I hate that answer (It doesn't mean that I amn't beauty...Hahaha)

I think it's obviously a stupid answer

Of couse every women on Earth is working her way to be beatiful

We're living in a world where being beatiful is an essential for us

But If I was a man

I'm instantly turned on for smart women, because...........
They're attractive because they're confident
They're attractive because they actually don't need a men most of time
They're attractive bacause they'll say attractive things
They're attractive because they have achievements
They're attractive because most smart women dress attractively different
I love a women like that
I know that I could find women like that in Jakarta
Tapi masalahnya............
Kenapa lebih banyak cewex Indo yang sll ngerasa I can't do that
Dan mereka kebanyakan berkeliaran di sekitar gw

1 komentar:

yudi mengatakan...

yang coffee latte skin juga boleh hihihihi...